


…is a collaberation of three Rappahannock County artists.

MARTIN WOODARD draws his inspiration from the Blue Ridge Mountains and the surrounding countryside. His oil paintings embrace shapes, colors, shadows and compelling compositions providing thoughtful interpretations of nature.

PATRICIA BRENNAN has worked with stained glass for the past 40 years. Nature is the inspiration for her work, she draws from observing the beautiful surroundings of her home in Rappahannock County. Creating with color and light is the joy in each piece of glass she makes. She utilizes many techniques in glass to fabricate her art work; silk screening and hand painting with traditional stained glass paints, etching, mosaics, fusing, and kiln worked glass, all used in tandem to create her unique style of stained glass.

HEIDI MORF loves color. It is a common thread in her art. She works with glass in many forms. Mosaics, lampwork bead jewelry, fused glass and stained glass and occasionally polymer clay and fabric dying.

Martin  Woodard

Martin Woodard

Patricia Brennan

Heidi Morf

Heidi Morf

Current artists exhibiting in the gallery…